Monday, June 29, 2009

Mandatory Water Restrictions throughout San Diego County

Water rate increases and mandatory water restrictions throughout San Diego County are in full affect. There are several ways that you can still have a great looking landscape while conserving your outdoor water usage.

Here are some basics:
- Water in the early morning or after dusk. Avoid mid day watering's. This will reduce the amount of water loss due to evaporation and wind.
- Reduce your lawn's size, or think about replacing it with a water-wise groundcover. There are some great alternatives
- Update that old irrigation system. Or if you are unable to update it, at least test the system every couple of weeks to make sure you are not wasting water through broken nozzles or overspray. There are great products out there and rebates for water saving devices (while the funding lasts).

For more information on how to conserve water, contact us and schedule a consultation out at your residence or business. Hamilton Design Group (760) 277-1500

For more information about the mandatory conservation measures in your area and other great water conservation websites please visit:
San Diego County Water Authority at
The 20 Gallon Challenge at
The Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College at
California Native Plant Society at

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